Google Maps View
This picture is a google maps picture showing where we are currently and where we would like to move!
Grace Fellowship was founded by God, through the dreams and work of two men: Darryl Schrock and Scott Stauffer. God placed a burden in Darryl’s heart for boys, specifically teenagers, who do not have a godly, involved father figure. He felt a nudge to move to a large city and reach out to these teens, loving them, teaching them, believing in them, and ultimately leading them to our Perfect Father God. After praying and seeking, Darryl was drawn to Detroit. He called Scott, who shared his burden. Together, they continued praying about the idea of moving to Detroit. Following God’s leading, both men and their families moved to Detroit in 2014.
As a way to support their families Scott and Darryl started Detroit Junk Busters and started offering clean out services to the surrounding communities. After some time they bought an extra trailer and began renting it out. This helped them see a need for roll off dumpsters and they started building dumpsters and renting them out as finances allowed. Today they have over 140 dumpsters, a clean out crew and offer employment to around 12 people. With the growth of the business, they have been able to help with the expenses of the school. After living in Detroit for several years the families started seeing how broken the public school system was and saw the opportunity for a private school in their community. In the spring of 2016 Darryl called Devon Hartzler and asked if he would consider moving his family to Detroit and helping establish a school. The timing was not right then, but after feeling the Lord’s leading Devon and Missy moved to the city in October of 2018. The Lord provided funding and a building was purchased in April of 2019.
The property needed some work before it was ready for school to start. Grace Christian Academy opened its doors in August of 2020 with 15 students. The Lord has continued to provide and we are excited to see how he will use this to work in this community for years to come. Outside of the school most of our ministry is done in our homes with our neighbors; however, we join together for worship and activities as well. We believe that through Jesus, He has given us the power to overcome all things. He can bring healing to broken families. He can set the captives free. He can break any chains of bondage we may be in, or addictions we have. We dream of each family being a lighthouse in their own neighborhoods, slowly but surely allowing our Father to turn Detroit from a dark city into a city filled with His light. We feel called to disciple the youth that have committed themselves to the Lord, to help them become strong, rooted and grounded in the Lord. To help them become leaders in their homes, the church, and communities. To be fathers and mothers who love their families and who are committed to caring for, teaching, and raising their children to love the Lord and to serve Him faithfully.
Our mission at Grace Christian Academy is to offer a Christ centered education to those who are seeking a better environment for their children. We strive for a quality education that will equip students to face the world of countless influences and voices.
We offer small classrooms, encouraging teachers, and a safe, inclusive environment for young people to develop and thrive. We welcome and value children from diverse family and cultural backgrounds. We see education as a crucial part of future success while also acknowledging the importance of building relationships with teachers, friends, and ultimately God.
This picture is a google maps picture showing where we are currently and where we would like to move!
4381 Larkins St. is the building we are considering purchasing. This would give us space to accept more students in the coming years and would
Our local fellowship of believers has its doors open to the community! We desire to further the kingdom of God through our relationships with the people around us.
We host an annual spike-ball tournament here in Detroit at Romanowski Park as a fundraiser for our school.
Detroit Bible Camp, organized by Woodlawn Youth, is held here each year on the first week of August for the children of the local community.
Enroll at Grace Christian Academy for a Christ-centered education that nurtures both academic and spiritual growth.
We provide a quality education in small classrooms with supportive teachers, offering a safe, inclusive space where students can grow and thrive amidst today’s diverse influences.